Creepy Corn...
by S

I studied corn because something jumped out at me, and something tied me up and pulled me closer.  I realized the “something” I was so interested in were the ingredients in food products.  I found out corn is in everything!  I was surprised by the reasons for putting corn in food and the effects it has on us.  I know that corn on the cob is healthy, but corn is modified and changed in our food.  It’s unhealthy, not normal, and what I learned is just creepy.  

Did you know that corn is in almost everything we eat? Or that corn is also in supplies that you use every day?  These are some of the millions of products made with corn. Corn is all over America.  The reason corn is so popular is that it’s cheap.   Dried corn is easy to transport, and high fructose corn syrup is cheaper than sugar.

Did you even have a clue that there has been an increase of corn use and production over the last fifty years?  “One hundred years ago a farmer could grow twenty bushels of corn an acre.  Today, 200 bushels is no problem.” Troy Rush said that quote in the documentary Food, Inc. 

Corn can be made into many different things.  Corn can be in food but under a different name.  That’s where those two facts come together.  Some examples of that are:
 HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)
 Di-glycosides
 Ascorbic acid
 Xanthan gum
 Malthodextrin
 Dextrose 

If you look on the back of food packages, you’re almost guaranteed to find one of the names above.  There are many more concoctions.  If you can’t even say the names of these new corn products, it’s because the makers of the product don’t want you to know what they are.  There are many other things made out of corn, but they are hidden under another name.  Those are just a few of the secret ingredients in food. 

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is an ingredient in most foods.  HFCS is not healthy for you; it’s even worse than sugar.  It has no nutritional value.  It’s just a processed sweetener with empty calories.  I found out that it’s just made to be sweet.  It’s taking over the sugar world, because it is so much cheaper.   

Corn is a vegetable, but it can be made into a grain.  Since there is corn in every food, that corn unbalances the food pyramid.  The connections in corn and the food pyramid are that since there’s corn in almost all foods, it throws off the food pyramid.  You end up eating too much corn at the end of the day.  Once again, eating too much corn products throws off the food pyramid. 

My conclusion is that corn is in almost everything we eat.  It’s unnatural, and it’s unhealthy.  I think that it’s surprising and really disturbing that there is so much corn in our diet. 

Please click below  to view the Food Pyramid!   Here's what each color represents: red - fruit; orange - grains; yellow - fats and oils, green- vegetables, blue- milk/dairy, and purple - meat/beans/fish/nuts.

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