
Guglhupf Bakery
by B

Guglhupf is a German bakery in Durham, NC.  It uses all German equipment.  The owners of Guglhupf are German, so they use the metric system. They brought their style of baking to this area.  Guglhupf gets a lot of attention because they have good food and good quality.  I interviewed Claudia Richardson, a professional baker from Guglhupf bakery and cafe. When she was young, she always liked making things with her hands. She didn’t always think she would become a baker. As she got older, she learned she really liked baking. When she started working at Guglhupf she learned quickly that it was the place for her to be working.
Claudia makes the dough for bread and croissants and other baked goods. All the bread starts with the same base. That base is made of flour, water, salt, and yeast.  Yeast can be from brewer’s yeast (human produced) or wild yeast (which makes a sourdough).  She makes 500 hundred pounds of dough on a slow day and a little more than 800 pounds on a fast day. You have to move the dough six times before you can add the other ingredients in. For example, if you were going to make bear claws, you would add almonds and almond paste.  Or, if you were making pumpkin bread, you’d add pumpkin and spices.  On Monday and Tuesday, Claudia makes about 16 different batches of dough. On Friday, she makes about 25 different batches of dough.  This is to prepare for the weekend rush when people don’t have to work as much. 

The steps to make the base are:

1)    Mix wet and dry ingredients together.
2)    Knead the dough with your hands or with the dough hook in a stand mixer until gluten is fully dissolved.
3)    Let the dough rise.
4)    Fold/ punch the dough.
5)    Divide the dough in to two loaves.
6)    Bake till golden brown on the outside.
Claudia says local baking is considered the entire state from where the baked items are made. All you have to do is look at the label to see where it’s from.  I think it is better to have local baked goods because your food will be fresher and have fewer preservatives. Also, you can have a better estimate of when the food was made. I would always recommend eating local baked goods; it’s just better for you.